Their advertiser interface still could use some improvements at this point (something I’m sure we will see over time). I personally found it cumbersome to browse through their categories and genres when selecting the interests of your target audience. For the Google Content network, I prefer planning my campaigns offline – using a spreadsheet of Google’s categories.
Wouldn’t it be nice to be able to do the same with MySpace Ads? Hell yeah!
So here it is – a Profitapolis exclusive: The complete audience target “interests” list in a handy offline spreadsheet. Not seeing yet how this can help you?
Get ideas for what offers to test on MySpace
I for one tend to ignore many demographics when launching new content or site-targeted campaigns. There are just SO many groups of people out there.. SO many interests… SO many different groups of fans of a certain tv-show, a book franchise, a band, or a lesser known sport or hobby. But these can easily be tapped into with ads catering directly to them. I get ideas all the time just by looking through people’s interests. Many of the CPA networks have a wide range of offers that in one way or another can be promoted to these groups.
Of course – MySpace Ads already gives us all this data in their interface. When you create a new campaign, you can browse through their categories and genres and see how many users your ads will (potentially) reach. But it has its limitations.. You need to expand each category/genre manually, and then click Add on each to add them to your list. The list also only holds 50 groups at a time. By having the entire interest-list offline and in a manageable spreadsheet you get instant access to see all the genres at once.
Who are the MySpace users?
The numbers tell us some interesting things about MySpace users. Everybody knows that MySpace generally attracts a younger crowd, dedicated fans of bands or artists, teenagers, and the type of people who compete in having the gaudiest themes on the web, lol. Facebook on the other hand, has a somewhat more mature crowd – and is less focused on entertainment. The MySpace audience interest list reflects this.
Looking through it though, it seems to be missing some categories. For example – under Musical Instruments, they only have Bass, Guitar and Piano. Is nobody interested in the drums or home recording? Unlikely.
The 800+ category list is sure to be expanded though, and there is plenty to choose from for pretty much any offer you can imagine testing out.
Download it here:
Right click, and “Save As…” to download. The file is in standard Excel format but can also be opened with the freeOpenOffice Calc.Feel free to leave a comment about how you think this list can improve your MySpace campaign planning.